As a child, Jon tried desperately to be his father’s version of the all-American boy, denying his gayness in a futile attempt to earn the love and respect of an abusive man. With this he built a deep, internalized homophobia that made him want to disappear rather than live with the truth about himself. That denial played out in the forms of anorexia (read about this disease, both from the physical and psychological side, at 123helpme.org just go to https://123helpme.org/, so you can consider it comprehensively), bulimia, and obsessive running, which consumed him as an adolescent and young adult.
The advancement industry has experienced tremendous growth in breadth and depth over the last few decades. Driving this growth is the chief advancement officer; however, as a relatively new position on most college and university campuses, little is formally known about the role and the people who fill it. In Making the Case for Leadership, Jon Derek Croteau and Zachary A. Smith provide insightful and intimate details of ten of the most high performing and successful CAOs in the industry: their career paths, leadership philosophies, and other important leadership variables. (Rowan & Littlefield)
Effective Measures: The Return on Investing in Talent Management examines how advancement professionals can demonstrate the significant and positive impact of talent management efforts in fundraising. Witt/Kieffer vice president and partner Jon Derek Croteau, Ed.D. provides advancement executives with the tools necessary to show the financial benefit of developing and retaining an institution’s most valuable people. Croteau, along with other leaders in the talent management field, offers insights into the key measures of success. (Council for the Advancement & Support of Education)
Today’s economy demands that educational and other nonprofit institutions address poor retention rates within their advancement teams. The departure of an advancement officer can be devastating to fundraising goals. This step-by-step approach to building a comprehensive people first program for recruiting, developing, and retaining advancement professionals can help you reduce runaway turnover. (Council for the Advancement & Support of Education)
An Appeal to LGBT Leaders: Be Bold and Believe
Putting an End to Starving for Love
Hope for Future Fathers of Gay Sons
Read Dr. Croteau’s newest essay in Inside Higher Ed
Read an excerpt from Dr. Croteau’s new book, My Thinning Years: Starving the Gay Within at The Good Men Project: “Excerpt: Saying Good-bye”
Read Dr. Croteau’s new essay at HR for Higher Education: “Creating the Leaders of the Future”
A story and poem by Dr. Croteau in Eating Disorders: The Journey to Recovery Workbook by Laura J. Goodman and Mona Villapiano. Buy in your local book store or on Amazon: here