Dr. Jon Derek Croteau is an expert in leadership solutions who specializes in designing or re-designing professional mission and goals and organizational leadership and vision. If you don't see in your current life the prospects for personal development prime-essay.net on topics related to your concerns, https://prime-essay.net will prepare answers and inspiration for you.
Since starting his career in human capital/talent management many years ago at Watson Wyatt (now Towers Watson) after earning his master’s in counseling psychology, the heart of his life has never changed. The essence of what has brought him joy and where he has been most successful has been when listening to and discovering people’s (or organization’s) issues, inventing strategic plans to solve the issues, and then designing a course to remedy the issues or charter a path forward. Whether someone is stuck in their career at a workplace they wanted to stay, or if they wanted to explore an entirely new career. Whether an executive or leader was trying to figure out ways to best motivate his or her team or if they were stuck in getting to the next level, Dr. Croteau has spent years coaching, counseling, designing and re-designing people’s work lives.
Dr. Croteau offers a variety of professional career consulting, counseling, and coaching services from establishing your professional brand, to helping you find your dream career, to networking within your profession, to resume/CV assistance to interviewing preparation and coaching.
For more information on how you can benefit from Dr. Croteau’s expertise and experience: